Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Monsters & Heros – Lucas & Rayner


The most important point in our presentation is that the line between good and evil is subjective, which means that it can be perceived differently depending on the individual.
The line that distinguishes between good and evil is permeable, which means that good people can become evil and vice versa.  However, where the line lies to an individual is up to his or her perception in combination with a host of factors that might affect the perception.  Such factors include, the upbringing of the individual, the opinions of others close to the individual and the consequences of giving a perception that is not widely accepted by others,(meaning is not clear) just to name a few.

The use the 9/11 attacks as an example, if we were to go to the streets of New York and ask any American on the streets what their opinion is regarding the attack, they will most likely reply with an answer along the lines of the attack being one of evilest ? events in America’s history as many innocent lives were lost.  However, that is just one side of the coin.  If we were to go to the Middle East and ask anyone the Americans would label as “terrorists”, they will most likely reply that the attacks were good as they proved that the Westerners that have “invaded” their country can be struck back against.  Therefore, good and evil is a matter of one’s perception.

Therefore, the line between good and evil is permeable and whether something is on the good or evil side of the line it depends on the view of the individual themselves.


  1. It is true that evil and good can be seen from two perspectives.But there are also acts which societies everywhere decide are evil for eg murder and thievery. Sometimes, it is the situation that we are in which compels us to act in a certain way which will make us seem evil, eg stealing food to feed a starving family, 'Les Miserables'. So then which is the greater evil - to steal food or to watch the family members die from starvation?

    In times of peace, we condemn the killing of another human being but why should we then condone the killing during war? Which yardstick do we use to justify our action? So you are quite right to say that the line is movable.

  2. It is true that evil and good can be seen from two perspectives.But there are also acts which societies everywhere decide are evil for eg murder and thievery. Sometimes, it is the situation that we are in which compels us to act in a certain way which will make us seem evil, eg stealing food to feed a starving family, 'Les Miserables'. So then which is the greater evil - to steal food or to watch the family members die from starvation?

    In times of peace, we condemn the killing of another human being but why should we then condone the killing during war? Which yardstick do we use to justify our action? So you are quite right to say that the line is movable.
